Who Are The Ascendant In 'Star Wars: Doctor Aphra’?

Doctor Aphra comic excerpt

In the latest issue of Alyssa Wong’s Doctor Aphra comic series, we finally get the story of a mysterious group who have been referenced in various issues; the Ascendant. The current arc of Doctor Aphra has focused on the titular archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra and her on-again-off-again lover/rival Sana Starros as they hunt for technology used by the Ascendant. The Ascendant was a group of cultists who created technology to replicate the abilities of dark side users.

The first Ascendant device Aphra came across was a thought dowser, which gives non-Force users the ability to control people’s minds and actions. After finding the thought dowser on the Vermillion, Crimson Dawn’s fortress flagship, Aphra was temporarily possessed by the device, which she then used to have the Vermillion’s guards stab themselves so she could escape. However, unbeknownst to Aphra, her use of the thought dowser also drew the eye of another Ascendant device; the Spark Eternal.


Doctor Aphra comic excerpt

On their quest to discover more Ascendant technology, Aphra and Starros followed Kho Phon Farrus; a former friend whose life Aphra destroyed while they were students at the University of Bar’leth. In pursuit of riches and renown, Kho had become a relic hunter themself and was planning to steal the Spark Eternal; an Ascendant device rumored to give non-Force users eternal life. With the aid of one of their former teachers, Sava Iglan’tine Nos, Kho tracked down the Spark Eternal to a cavern beneath the university.

Aphra and Starros arrived soon after and defeated Kho in combat as Aphra took the Spark Eternal for herself. Though upon taking the Spark Eternal, Aphra was immediately killed and resurrected by the device, which then proceeded to possess her body and speak through her. After escaping from the university, the Spark Eternal spoke with Aphra, who was now a prisoner within her own mind. The device went on to taunt Aphra, dragging her through her memories and looking for people in her past who could lead them to more power. Remembering that the Spark Eternal was still an artifact, Aphra took control of the device and accessed their memories.

Doctor Aphra comic excerpt

Through Aphra’s eyes, Doctor Aphra #22 gives us a flashback to when the Ascendant was destroyed centuries in the past. The Ascendant were swarmed and slaughtered by the Sith, who saw their work as heresy and a threat to their power. Amidst the chaos, the Spark Eternal was protected by a young Chadra-Fan named Miril, who sacrificed her life to seal the device away. For the next few centuries, the Spark Eternal remained dormant and developed a consciousness of their own.

The device was then reawakened by Aphra’s use of the thought dowser. From that point, the Spark Eternal waited until Aphra located them and allowed them to use Aphra as a vessel for their return. Breaking from Aphra’s control, the Spark Eternal unlocks Aphra’s memories and regains control of her. The device then returns to the Vermillion, where Lady Qi’ra’s assistant Trinia is waiting for them and asks to be reunited with Aphra’s droids; 0-0-0 and BT-1, who have knowledge of even more powerful artifacts that the Spark Eternal plans to use.

Doctor Aphra comic excerpt

The Spark Eternal clearly has big plans for Aphra as they gather more power from the artifacts she’s collected over the years. Alyssa Wong seems to be setting the stage for an epic finale that incorporates Aphra’s entire history throughout Star Wars comics. Whether Aphra’s past allies and enemies will be able to free her from the Spark Eternal’s grip has yet to be seen. However this arc may end, one thing we can expect to see is Aphra getting herself into more galaxy-spanning hijinks.



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