These Marvel Characters Were To Cameo In ‘Moon Knight’, According to Show's Producer

Season 1 of Marvel's newest superhero series recently finished its episodic run with a bombastic, but seemingly rushed ending for many fans. The finale sped up conclusions of several story arcs that, as was the formula this season, will come into play next season.

From Egyptian gods and avatars duking it out to Isaac Oscar's great performance as Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockleywith unique takes that carried audiences throughout the show—Moon Knight has made new fans of this Egyptian Superhero. Knowing Marvel, they are bound to sprinkle hints of Easter eggs and cameos just like their other shows. It is odd that there was not a single guest appearance, but could there be hint as to the reason?


The Rumor Mill

The city of Madripoor referenced in Episode 3 and linked with the MCU was among the locations speculated to have had the cameos such as the Power Broker, who has not been seen since The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, or Mahershala Ali's new take on Blade. Then there's even Mark Ruffalo's Hulk as he and Isaac were seen in the same location during filming.

Oscar Isaac's Moon Knight character could've come across other MCU characters, such as Blade or Hulk.

In an interview with the show's executive writer, Jeremy Slater quotes this statement of the show having no set spot within the MCU timeline.

"A lot of people have asked this, but I have no idea, sorry. We didn’t know when our show would debut in relation to their other shows and films, so the timeline was intentionally left vague."

The idea of Moon Knight as a standalone in the series without any connection to the MCU is further supported by its director through the interviews with Curtis and Diab.

During an interview with Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab spoke about many aspects of the show and finale. One question Diab responded to was about the lack of MCU crossovers and cameos included in the series. The director did reveal one cameo at the first episode premiere and one at the finale.

"We had the freedom to place it whenever. I want to tell you the very first scene, there was a crossover, and the very end scene, there was a crossover. But as the story developed and we kept changing the scripts, we felt like, ‘We don’t need that.’ All of us. It was a collective decision.

“And then I kept thinking: It’s a rule. There has to be a scene at the end that connects us to the MCU. But I think they decided, ‘You know what, the surprise is that there isn’t, and what’s going to make this show unique is it doesn’t need anything else’.”

But, there would have been the cameo

Moon Knight's director had ideas for flashbacks that would've crossed over with Eternals.

Moon Knight's Executive Producer Grant Curtis revealed that the Eternals were the ones to be placed as the cameos, only to be cut out.

“I tried very hard to get the Eternals into the show, just because I’m buddies with Kumail Nanjiani… I want[ed] some Kingo. At one point, there was a flashback on the page that sort of showed one of Khonshu’s avatars back in ancient Egypt, sort of dealing with Ammit being locked away, and Alexander the Great, and all of that stuff. You sort of saw this avatar team-up with the Eternals. It was a really fun scene, but again, it was so massively expensive to recreate Ancient Egypt, to sort of bring in three or four of the Eternals to have this big action sequence [was too much]."

Kumail Nanjiani's Kingo was considered to cameo in Moon Knight.

As for the cameos, the production, cast, budget, and schedule would have been expensive to manage and film while considering the cast of the Eternals; the movie had big names, such as Richard Madden and Angelina Jolie as Ikaris and Thena, respectively. Fighters Gilgamesh (Don Lee)and Makkari (Lauren Ridloff) could have been part of those flashbacks or possibly the finale, but that was cut out for the show's take on its ending.

In it's finale, Moon Knight wowed its fans with its revelations, which made it clear where the budget went. Instead of the possibility of a small flashback of hypothetical what-ifs, we got a bombastic finale.

In the end, this series may be an experimental move by Marvel, but could hint at placing the crossover in Season 2 or other projects within the Phase 4. It's a smart move for any surprise revelations should flashbacks and cameos be shown. Moon Knight has currently finished its run and is available on Disney+.


Sources: [1], [2], [3]

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