Robert Rodriguez Talks About 'The Book of Boba Fett'

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Every day, we as Star Wars fans are another step closer to finally watching The Book of Boba Fett on Disney +. This highly anticipated series is going to cap off the 2021 year of Star Wars, showing us the return of the famed bounty hunter who once amazed audiences with his look in the The Empire Strikes Back. For years, fans have wondered just what the bounty hunter's like: his inner thoughts, his feelings, and of course why he is the greatest bounty hunter in the known galaxy, at least according to the lore. So this will be a big thing in terms of fandom and Star Wars.

Robert Rodriguez, the director and showrunner of the series, has been hyping up the show for a long time now. He seems quite proud of his work, and that should give fans a moment of excitement. He speaks about how he and his crew have been working on the project and that it’s going to be something really special. One would hope it is something really special, given that this is after all about Boba Fett, one of the more iconic characters within the wider Star Wars franchise.

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From Spy Kids to Sin City, Robert Rodriquez is quite a prolific director, and responsible for many great hits in cinema history. His own unique style and flavor will definitely give the project a very interesting take on the material. Star Wars will be a great fit for him, mixing in the dark seedy underbelly of the underworld with the more kid-friendly nature that is the galaxy far, far away. A hard to get blend with people, but one that the director of such films could be up for. Which is always a good thing to see, as Star Wars thrives when creative voices are allowed to flourish

This line of thought has continued in a recent interview where Robert Rodriguez, on the Nerdy Basement, once again spoke of the hype the show was going to deliver upon. It is set to show the epic nature of Boba Fett the myth and the character. The ideas, concepts, working with Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau, it all seems to be quite a unique and fascinating project. Of course, he is still very tight-lipped on how many episodes he is directing and what it is about for the most part. He tries to be vague as well as give a bit of non-answer, as most directors of Star Wars projects do these days.

It’s always good to see directors take pride in their work, and also good to see that the hype for such an anticipated project remains real and in the eyes of the news. The Book of Boba Fett is going to be part of the epic Mandalorian extended universe, an ambitious project within Lucasfilm to build a Disney + connected universe. This will be a massive undertaking by Lucasfilm that may even rival their first wave of films starting with the sequel trilogy. Various spin-off shows all connected to one big massive Avengers-like event, similar to the MCU model in a lot of ways.

Will Robert Rodriguez deliver the hype that The Book of Boba Fett promises? Well, it will be hard to say, although if it is half as good as The Mandalorian season 1, then Star Wars fans are in for quite a treat regardless. The future of Star Wars seems bright, and The Book of Boba Fett will be another great addition to the ever growing list of stories told in that galaxy far, far away.

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Source(s): The Nerdy Basement

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