Why This New Kenobi Story Will Be So Important To The Jedi's Legacy

Star Wars and Marvel have just revealed Obi-Wan, a new comic series to be released in May that will delve deeper into key moments from the life of one of the biggest heroes in the Star Wars galaxy, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Written by Christopher Cantwell with art by Ario Anindito, the series finds the titular hero in the final days of his time on Tatooine, chronicling earlier adventures in his own journals (which were previously referenced in Marvel’s Star Wars series).

The new Obi-Wan comic book series could provide some very important new information about the life of Obi-Wan Kenobi, building on what we already know about him. The very first issue will be focusing on him as a child in the Jedi Order and his apprenticeship to Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan Kenobi had always come across as a level thinker and a strict follower of the rules and was often questioning Qui-Gon Jinn. Hopefully, we will get some insight into whether or not that composure had always been in his nature or if it was something that he had honed through teaching and experience. 

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We are going to learn so much more about Obi-Wan Kenobi's emotions, drive, and focus as this series gives us feedback on past events that we know and love from his journey through the Star Wars saga. It will be fascinating to learn his thoughts from those events, how they impacted him and how he dealt with and recovered from some of them. It will be interesting to view Obi-Wan Kenobi's thoughts from The Phantom Menace era following the battle on Naboo where Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn and when he subsequently killed Darth Maul. We will have insight into his younger years as an apprentice to Qui-Gon Jinn, and see why his master’s death was such a life-changer for him. We may see how he contained his emotions to be able to grow from the experience, and continue to be the calm, balanced Jedi that he became.

The key moment in Obi-Wan Kenobi's life was arguably the finale of Revenge of the Sith with Anakin's Skywalker's complete fall to the dark side and his rise as Darth Vader, their epic battle, Padme's death, and the birth of Luke and Leia. Having a representation of what his thoughts were in dealing with these events will make a massive difference to how we perceive the Obi-Wan Kenobi that was first presented in A New Hope through Return of the Jedi. According to the Marvel’s Star Wars (2015) comics run, Obi-Wan’s journals ended up in the care of Luke Skywalker. He would occasionally read and learn from his former mentor. Perhaps these journals were also among the texts that we saw in The Last Jedi that Rey ended up taking.

In an interview with StarWars.com, Obi-Wan writer Christopher Cantwell commented:

"Obi-Wan is the classic sage. He is the first teacher to enter the Star Wars story. He is frustrating in his guidance at times, but his wisdom is hard-earned through emotional, personal experience. He’s also just a veteran in the truest sense of the word. He lived through probably some of the most difficult times in the Republic and the Jedi Order, and almost narrowly died a few times in the process. He’s seen some horrible things firsthand. But like I said, there is a virtue about him that allows him to continue to be a light in the darkness. He carries the flame of hope within him. Obi-Wan never gave up in all his years of living. He didn’t even give up afterwards. Now that’s dedication to the light side."

Just when you thought there was nothing more to learn about Obi-Wan Kenobi we not only get the upcoming new series on Disney+, but we now also get this new comic series to expand and compliment his already exciting and interesting story. The new series Obi-Wan will be an important part of understanding the legacy of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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Source(s): Screen Rant

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