Someone Translated Obi-Wan Kenobi's Wanted Poster In The Kenobi Trailer

Obi-Wan Wanted Poster

The long-awaited Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer was released today to critical acclaim. Fans are already scouring the one minute twenty-eight seconds for any clues about characters and plots. They are getting in as close as Youtube will allow, to spot every last cameo and weapons shadow. 
This poster towards the end of the trailer written is in Aurebesh, one of the many languages of the Star Wars Universe. But what does it say? Is it a clue of things to come? 

Unfortunately not. 
The translation is as follows: 

Wanted - Obi-Wan Kenobi. Offences - High Treason. Bounty for capture.

Just another cute easter egg from Disney. It does suggest the presence of bounty hunters in the series. Do we know any bounty hunters? Can you think of any bounty hunters that might have also had a series on DisneyPlus recently? Us neither.
Only joking. This could be a massive hint that Boba Fett or the Mandalorian may be making a cameo in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Boba Fett hunting down Jedi does fit with the Legends stories and would make sense with the current canon. It wouldn't be a massive surprise to see him chasing after Ben. 
But we will just have to wait until the worldwide release on May 27th 2022 to see if our theories are correct. 


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