The 10 Most Powerful Padawans In 'Star Wars'


A list of the top ten Padawans may seem a straightforward derivation from a list of top ten Masters. However, so many of our favorite characters never made it Master or Knight status. Therefore, it seems fitting to list Padawans to acknowledge some fairly powerful Force-sensitive beings.

Like my previous list of Jedi, I considered both canon and non-canon Padawans, even if they turned to the dark side. However, unlike that list, their existence could overlap current canon Star Wars timelines. The reason for this change was so that I could evaluate many great characters who would otherwise be ignored. Considering that the Jedi Order was in tatters throughout most of the Skywalker saga, I also include many non-traditional Padawans.

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What Makes A Great Padawan?

In the Legends book The Jedi Path, there are entire sections devoted to the ideal characteristics of a Padawan. Not every Initiate becomes a Padawan. Master Yoda notes that it is the most challenging stage on the pathway of Jedi. While a traditional tournament highlights potential candidates' skills, the Jedi Consulars often ask temple staff for their recommendations. They are looking for apprentices who are open-minded, ready to lead a life of service, and above all, willing to learn.

10. Obi-Wan Kenobi


Kenobi's balance of curiosity and practicality excelled his growth as a Padawan. He was instinctively in tune with the Living Force. However, he never let this natural affinity get in the way of doing what was right. Though these actions often wrenched at his heart in the process.

He was able to successfully defeat the Sith Apprentice Darth Maul after Maul took Jinn's life. Jinn's death accelerated the Jedi Trials for Kenobi. Even though Maul took his Master's life, Kenobi focused his energy on the right thing to do rather than give in to his emotions. With Jinn's death and his passing of the Jedi Trials, Kenobi became an instructor to a young Anakin Skywalker overnight.

9. Qui-Gon Jinn


Qui-Gon Jinn was a student of the Living Force, joining with it in a mutually beneficial way. Because he was so honest about his fears and failings from an early age, he overcame them. Sometimes his raw honesty caused friction between the Jedi Council and him.

He focused on the moment at hand rather than an unwritten, speculative future. However, he still clung to the beliefs of specific prophecies, such as the Prophecy of the Chosen One. He perished before learning if Anakin Skywalker was indeed the Chosen One from the Prophecy, though he firmly believed it.

8. Jaden Korr


Jaden Korr first appeared in the video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. This young, twice-orphaned human male never knew his birth parents; his adoptive parents also died while he was a small child. So instead, his Uncle Orn raised him. Young Jaden's Force-sensitivity drew the attention of none other than Admiral Thrawn, obsessed with creating Force-sensitive clones. Imperial scientists employed by Thrawn took genetic material from an unwitting Jaden for their experiments. One of the clone experiments, named Soldier, survived.

A few years later, in a dreamlike state, Jaden constructed his first lightsaber. This purple-bladed weapon was quite the feat since Jaden was still an untrained Force-sensitive being. He showed the lightsaber to his Uncle Orn. Orn was so alarmed by his young nephew's abilities; he called the authorities. As a result, young Jaden was enrolled in Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum just a few short days later. After that, Jaden spent a lot of time studying many topics and developed many extraordinary abilities as a Padawan. He even ran into his clone brother, Soldier.

7. Rey


Rey was not your everyday apprentice. A very determined young person, she tracked down Jedi Master Luke Skywalker to convince him to take her on as his apprentice. She had an extraordinary connection to the Force, which convinced him that he should provide her guidance.

There was something unique about Rey. Her innate abilities manifested themselves in several ways. She unknowingly mastered many Jedi skills, such as the mind trick. She was also able to communicate across the galaxy telepathically. Once she trained further with Leia Organa, she was ready for her own Jedi Trials when she faced the Final Order, thus fulfilling her destiny.

6. Freedon Nadd

Freedon Nadd was a Jedi prodigy of the Old Republic. He was born around 4400 BBY. He was the darling of all those who trained him. Therefore his conscientious decision to turn to the Dark Side had lasting repercussions throughout the Republic and Empire to follow.

Nadd arrived on Ossus, the Jedi Library planet. The Jedi inhabiting this planet were astounded by Nadd's knowledge and proficiency with the Force. He showed openness and willingness to join with the Force to gain universal harmony. As a result, all of his Jedi trainers agreed he would become one of the youngest Jedi Masters. However, he failed his final test and, in the process, killed his Jedi Master Matta Tremayne.

5. Luke Skywalker


Luke Skywalker was never officially a Padawan. To be fair, the Jedi Order was in complete disarray and ruin during his lifetime. He was a gifted Force user by way of his lineage. After discovering his true heritage, he dove into his training in earnest. He first learned to use the lightsaber with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unfortunately, they did not get to spend too much time together.

He then trained with Master Yoda. He mastered other Force abilities such as object levitation, telepathic communication, and future divination. His two trainers happened to be the best in the galaxy. They helped him be a champion for the Light Side of the Force. Thus he was able to save his father and return him to the Light Side of the Force. He was a career Jedi whose Padawan title was cut short by circumstance. Both in the Legends and Canon tales, Master Skywalker excelled at teaching others how to be great students, even when he was reluctant to do so.

4. Dooku

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Count Dooku was born into the aristocracy of Serenno. However, his family abandoned him at the Jedi Temple. Master Yoda took him under his wing and trained him as a Jedi. He proved to be a gifted student. His early abandonment instilled in him a desire to belong. He excelled at many Jedi skills quickly. Notably, he defeated Master Syfo-Dias in combat while blindfolded with one arm tied behind his back.

However, he became disillusioned by the Jedi Order and its high-handed leadership. Dooku was an idealist. He questioned everything. He even instilled this notion to stay curious and question everything in his own Padwan, Qui-Gon Jinn. Once he reconnected with his aristocratic past, he abandoned the Jedi Path so that he could change the world through power and influence rather than as a Jedi. Unfortunately, this path led him down the Dark Side.

3. Yoda


Many parts of Master Yoda's life are still a mystery. He lived for 900 years. He saw and lead many changes to the Jedi Order over his long lifetime. He saw the Republic during its height and its fall. He saw the Sith return and the birth of the Galactic Empire.

In Legends, the Hysalrian N'Kata Del Gormo trained Yoda. They met after Yoda crashed on Gormo's planet. Gormo introduced Yoda to the Force and let the future Master know he was a Force Sensitive being. He trained him as long as possible and then sent him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to continue his training. At the time of Yoda's entry into the Jedi Temple, he had the highest midi-chlorian count of any Jedi. He became a Master at the age of 100. He went on train many other Jedi during his long life.

2. Anakin Skywalker


Anakin Skywalker demonstrated incredible power with the Force from a very young age. His innate abilities manifested in several ways as a youth on Tatooine. His lightning-fast reflexes made him an exceptional pod racer at a young age. Qui-Gon Jinn suspected something unusual about him. He discovered that Anakin's midi-chlorian count was higher than Master Yoda's!

He easily outshined his fellow students and, in some ways, his Master too. At a very young age, he survived innumerable droid battles, the Geonosian gladiatorial arena, and Count Dooku. However, his attachment to Padme and anger issues propelled his fall to the Dark Side. As a Sith apprentice, he single-handedly almost killed off the entire Jedi Order.

1. Ahsoka Tano


Ahsoka Tano tops my list for many reasons. Her training, like that of her Master, was unusual from the start. She was the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, considered to be a very powerful yet reckless Jedi. However, she blossomed under Skywalker's instruction.

The Clone Wars exposed Ahsoka to many types of trials at an early age. She helped the Skywalker settle several political issues and succeed in many droid battles. She eventually led her own company of clone troopers.

She also faced General Kenobi's foe, Darth Maul. She was almost successful in finally defeating the Sith Lord during the Siege of Mandalore. However, she grew disillusioned with the Jedi Order after being falsely accused of a bomb threat on the Jedi Temple. Even though the Jedi Council cleared her of any wrongdoing, she chose to leave as a Padawan. She eventually found her way, becoming a voice for the third, less discussed side of the Force, Balance.

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