Things You Didn't Know About Darth Vader's Inquisitors

The next Star Wars series to land on Disney+ will be the much-anticipated series focused on Obi-Wan Kenobi and his exploits post prequel trilogy. Finally, lots of crucial information was dropped in the recent trailer, including the first look at Darth Vader's Inquisitors as they search and hunt for the Jedi who have survived Order 66.

While die-hard fans may be aware of exactly what the Inquisitors are known for, much of the casual audience may have zero clue about what makes them unique in the Star Wars canon. There are so many cool details many people don't know about this group, but here are some things you might not have known.

RELATED: Who Are The Inquisitors In 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'?

They are made up of former Jedi. This was Sidious' way of manipulating many into a life or death situation and required them to pick the only option they had left. He also used this as an opportunity to seek out those who were restless and questioning their faith within the Jedi Order to create the most sinister group in the early stages of the Empire.

Most of the group were sought by Sidious and then trained by Vader, who did not take it easy on the new recruits. As seen in the panels of the Darth Vader comics, Vader would spar with them and would even take limbs to teach them the lessons he thought would best equip them for this team. We all know Vader is a ruthless leader, and this furthers that narrative by showing him at his ultimate best. Hopefully, Obi-Wan Kenobi will dive into this aspect.

Some of the Inquisitors became like a family, which did not sit well with Vader because they grew to have compassion for one another. In Darth Vader #19, some flee the group of Inquisitors because they have begun to realize they have given up their freedom once again. This Obi-Wan series could use this as a moment of optimism for the rebellion as they try and grow to what we know they become. The Obi-Wan series has to show hope for the future, a future we already know, while also showing us something new that keeps audiences engaged.

One of the things most people likely do not know is that they have one of the coolest bases in any bit of fiction. After the two members fled, they needed a new base, so they built an underwater fortress where only the central tower is above the surface. Fans of Jedi: Fallen Order are familiar with this, but fans who have not consumed every bit of Star Wars culture will find this base intriguing for the first time. They began using this base on the planet Nur after they figured their current headquarters on Coruscant may be compromised due to the fleeing members.

The Inquisitors have a very cool power structure. Rather than reveal names, they go by The Seventh Sister or the Fifth Brother. It has never been indicated how many there are out hunting for Jedi, which may also be something the Obi-Wan series finally addresses. They are led by The Grand Inquisitor. It will be interesting to see how much information we learn about their rankings and power structure throughout the series.

Those are some of the coolest and most exciting things about the Inquisitors that are about to be shown heavily throughout the Obi-Wan series, which will drop on May 25th, 2022. If you wish to know more about them, then you can read the Vader comics by ordering them through a local comic store or purchasing them online. Obi-Wan is sure to have fans buzzing as the release date gets closer and closer.

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