Top 10 Sith Ranked by Power


Being a Sith in the Star Wars universe is a prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition. However, there are several Sith who have gone beyond the traditional evils and have proven to be some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. That being said, and before I get into the list, I want to take a second to explain the logic I took to this list. Originally, I wanted to comprise this list of only canon Sith lords. However, the canon ones I found I didn’t agree were worthy enough of being on the “Most Powerful” list. Instead, I am going to add the Sith that are “loosely” canon, with a focus on the ones that are canon, and I will add a few that I think have the most potential to become canon. That being said, here is the top Sith based on power.

Honorable Mention: Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo)


I know I am breaking my rule with this one since Jacen Solo and the entire New Jedi Order story line as well as relating stories have virtually no hope of becoming canon, but I really like Jacen Solo and his descent into the dark side of the Force. In his transformation into Darth Caedus, he caused a lot of problems for Luke and the other heroes. Luke even stated that Jacen had become more powerful than Darth Vader himself. His arc is also super similar to the next person on the list.

10. Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)

Kylo Ren.jpg

It is debatable whether Kylo Ren ever earned the title of Sith Lord, but he does show some of the most powerful uses of the dark side of the Force in the Star Wars films. Obviously a gifted student of the Force, he was trained by none other than Luke Skywalker, but he also has trained under Supreme Leader Snoke (or Darth Sidious if you prefer), making him gifted in both the light and dark sides of the force. Using his power over the Force, he was able to slay some of Luke’s Jedi recruits, kill Supreme Leader Snoke, seize control of the First Order, and then kill the other members of the Knights of Ren. 

9. Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku)


Another Sith who was first trained by the Jedi, Count Dooku left the Jedi Order and became Darth Tyranus to take Darth Maul’s place as Palpatine's apprentice. Dooku had master knowledge of the Force and of his lightsaber fighting style, Makashi. Both of these allowed him to fight one on one against Jedi Master Yoda. Not only was he experienced in combat, but he was also a master tactician. Leading both the droid army of the Separatists and helping to create the clone army in secret, he proved that he has a deep knowledge of strategy.

8. Darth Maul 


Darth Maul is without a doubt one of the coolest Sith we have ever seen. Trained from a young age by Darth Sidious, Maul possesses fantastic skill with both the Force and lightsaber combat. This allowed him to take on two Jedi at once and beat both of them in combat for a short time. He later grew to become a smart tactician and a threat to the newly formed Galactic Empire. His hate and rage are what made him a powerful opponent and even helped him come back to life after his supposed death at Naboo. This was even stated by Darth Sidious to have been a true loss. 

7. Darth Malgus


This is where I bend the rules a bit as I dip into The Old Republic lore. Darth Malgus, like Maul, was filled with hate and rage, and he could use this to onslaught his opponents using power strikes that few could defend against. Malgus was relentless and could take immense wounds and injuries without weakening his power. He was a key player in retaking the Sith homeworld Korriban and the sneak attack on the Jedi temple on Coruscant. In the sneak attack on the Jedi temple, he slew many of the Jedi single-handedly, and this attack would eventually lead to his idea to break from the current Sith empire and start his own. 

6. Darth Vitiate


Darth Vitiate was the first Galactic Emperor long before Palpatine. However, he was almost, if not equally, as manipulative and evil as the latter. Proving his loyalty to the dark side at a young age, he killed both of his parents and proceeded to take over his village. He would go on to move up the ranks of the Sith until he became a lord himself taking the moniker of Darth Vitiate. Later, he would take over the Sith Order, and, in his lust for power, would manipulate the Mandalorians into starting a war. Then, he would convert both Revan and Malak to the dark side making them both Sith lords and turning them against the Jedi. He survived many supposed deaths, and he was even able to essence project himself into new forms constantly returning to plague new generations. 

5. Darth Revan


Darth Revan is one of the most legendary Sith lords to ever exist. His impact can be felt both in-universe and outside of it, and he has the power to back it up. He was trained as a Jedi and was a prodigy of the academy. His thirst for knowledge brought him great wisdom. When the Mandalorians began their expansion conquest, he was one of the main factors that contributed to the conquest’s failure. He even challenged Mandalore the Ultimate in combat and came out victorious. This was before he was converted to the Sith and likewise became a quick master of the dark side of the Force. Eventually, he was even able to use both the dark and light sides of the Force at once which boosted his power to astronomical heights. 

4. Darth Bane


Darth Bane and Darth Revan both exist in this weird “almost canon” place. I give a slight edge to Bane because he is confirmed to have canonically existed in the Star Wars universe, and he has a huge impact on the Jedi and the Sith after him. In a time when the Sith were full of political turmoil, sabotage, and (ironically enough) corruption, Bane sought to end that. He saw the disarray of the Sith as a disgrace. Bane almost single-handedly tore apart the Sith order and manipulated them into transferring immense Force power into himself. Bane learned indirectly from Darth Revan and developed an armor made out of an insect species called Orbalisks. This armor granted him a boost in strength and many other properties. His greatest legacy was the Rule of Two which he put into place, and it was followed by every Sith to come after him including Darth Sidious. 

3. Darth Vader


Darth Vader is the Sith lord we are probably most familiar with, and for good reason. He was the Sith that helped Darth Sidious finally overthrow the Jedi Order and aided in him becoming the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. His own power should not be understated, though. Not only was he a prodigy at the Jedi Temple and a gifted combatant and Force user, but he was also labeled as the “Chosen One” to bring balance to the Force by the Jedi council. When he cast aside his former self, Anakin Skywalker, he became just as strong with the dark side of the Force. He even garnered praise from Darth Sidious, who said there was no equal to his ability with the dark side. Although he had to relearn much of his combat training after being nearly fatally wounded by his former master, his connection to the force only strengthened. After much training, he was was even able to master all seven styles of lightsaber combat. Darth Vader hunted down and killed countless Jedi who survived Order 66, slew dozens upon dozens of rebel soldiers and Stormtroopers alike, and even destroyed his master Darth Sidious.

2. Darth Plagueis


Darth Plagueis takes the number two spot mostly due to his supreme importance and legacy in the Star Wars universe. In combat, Plagueis was more than proficient with a lightsaber and was even said to be able to move as fast as lighting, but he had a strong distaste for physical battles. However, what he lacks in physical ability, he more than makes up for with his knowledge of the Force. Darth Plagueis was easily one of the strongest users of the Force ever. He had great control over midi-chlorians. This made Force abilities such as lightning, Force Push, and Tutaminis (converting energy into Force power) child’s play to him. As we learned from Darth Sidious, he was even able to use his ability to create life and prevent death. Last, but not least, he was Darth Sidious’s master, and he aided in (and is maybe largely responsible for) placing Sidious in a position of power to overthrow the Jedi and his supreme mastery of the dark side.

1. Darth Sidious


That brings us to the number one choice, and it couldn’t be anyone else. Darth Sidious is easily the most powerful Sith to ever live. He was able to almost single-handedly start a war, take control of the Senate, convert countless people including Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, overthrow the Jedi, and become emperor of the Galactic Empire. He has bested some of the strongest Jedi and Sith to ever live. This includes Jedi Master Yoda, who even admitted Sidious was stronger than him. Hiding under the Jedi in plain sight allowed him to expertly manipulate, control, and then destroy the Jedi before they were able to uncover his true identity. He was also able to transfer his essence, which allowed him to survive his supposed demise by Darth Vader. This allowed him to create Supreme Leader Snoke and the First Order, which further prevented the Jedi from returning. Even George Lucas, and many others, have stated that Sidious is the most powerful Sith to ever live. 

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