Watch The ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Final Battle In 16-Bit!

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Avengers assemble!

Relive your younger years of playing Captain America and the Avengers on NES in this 16 Bit recreation of the final battle of Avengers: Endgame. The video is true to the scene in the movie, down to the recreation of the soundtrack in midi by Kevin Mac (@kennymacmusic). John Stratman (@stratmasterj) put many hours of hard work and care into this abridged version of the final battle. Seeing Captain America holding Mjolnir, the Avengers portaling into battle (and Captain America's subsequent "Avengers assemble!" command), and the climatic Iron Man snap, you forget that this is in 16-bit. You only remember the epic feeling of the scene as if you were watching it on screen in high definition. The graphics and sounds from yesteryear do not deter from the video at all.

In the second part of the video, the animator John Stratman provided a behind-the-scene commentary on the creation process. In a moment of nostalgia, you could see how this video was inspired by elements from old NES games.

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