10 X-Men Villains Fans Would Love To See In A Live-Action Mutant Movie

X-Men fans have been waiting to see their favorite villains come to the big screen for years. Sure, Magneto and the Juggernaut are awesome, but there are so many more that would fit the bill! Here are a few villains that we’d like to see make it to film. 

10. Stryfe

Marvel Comics Stryfe

Image Source: Screen Rant

A clone of Nathan Summers (Cable), son of Scott summers and Madelyn Pryor (a clone of Jean Grey), AND raised by Apocalypse? Absolute beast. Especially when Apocalypse raised him to harness his anger and be cruel, he also introduced the Legacy Virus, which was genetically engineered to be fatal to mutants. Stryfe and Cable met up several times throughout their timelines, so we’d hopefully get to see a solid fight movie.


9. Arcade

Image Source: Marvel World

Murder. Just a whole lot of murder. Sure, you could call him the OG Jigsaw, but that would be a disservice to Arcade. As the creator of Murderword, a literal carnival of death, Arcade set out to make sure that NO ONE survived. He also created a second Murderworld, the Avengers Arena, where he kidnapped multiple students of the Avengers Academy. Hear me out: Joel Schumacher and his bright color schemes would bring Arcade’s deadly vision to life. 

8. Cassandra Nova (Xavier)

Cassandra Nova

Image Source: Marvel Fandom

Created by Charles Xavier’s Mummudrai in the womb, Cassandra Nova was recognized by Charles as an “evil” presence and was nearly killed by his psychic abilities. Pronounced stillborn at birth, Cassandra survived and grew from a clump of cells in a sewer wall, creating a body filled with revenge towards her brother. On top of having the same powers as her brother, Cassandra is also able to replicate the DNA of sentient beings and create new, physical bodies for themselves. She is responsible for commanding just 2 Sentinels to massacre 16 million mutants on Genosha. She would be a formidable foe to the X-Men, and it would be great to see Professor X in a solid fight. 

7. Nimrod

Marvel Comics Nimrod

Image Source: Screen Rant

A mutant-hunting Sentinel created by Sentinels in the Days of Future Past timeline, Nimrod is the most advanced Sentinel ever created. He can change his outward appearance to resemble nearly anything, including a human being. Since the Sentinels we were shown in Days of Future Past weren’t all that great, Nimrod would be a great choice for redemption. 

6. Shadow King 

Shadow King

Image Source: Marvel

Claiming to be the manifestation of the dark side of human subconsciousness, the Shadow King spawned from the first nightmare. found a new bodily home in Amahl Farouk. Once Amahl Farouk’s mutant powers developed, the Shadow King found a new bodily home in Farouk. Being from the Multiverse, the Shadow King has encountered Storm, Psylocke, and Professor X, and at one point jumped into the body of Legion, Xavier’s son. As the first mutant Professor X ever encountered, and who inspired him to form the X-Men, Shadow King would be a great addition to an X-Origins story. 

5. Onslaught

Image Source: Comic Vine

When Magneto ripped out Wolverine’s Adamantium skeleton from his body, Professor X became so angry and anguished that he retaliated by shutting down Magneto’s mind. By doing so, Magneto’s dark feelings of rage and anger entered Professor X’s consciousness, which, combined with Xavier’s negative feelings, created Onslaught. Watching Onslaught use Magneto’s methods to create Professor X’s ideals of peaceful human and mutant coexistence would make for a great film.

4. Omega Red

Image Source: Marvel

After being caught by his fellow soldiers for being a garbage human being (take my word for it, and don’t go looking), they attempted to execute him for his crimes. Fortunately for him, his mutant powers saved him, and he survived. However, the USSR drafted him into their super-soldier project, a la Captain America. They implanted retractable tentacles made of radioactive Carbonadium, and Omega Red was born. Being able to see a battle between Wolverine and Omega Red has been on the wish lists of X-Fans for years.

3. Sauron

Image Source: Marvel Fandom

The Savage Land has a special place in the heart of nearly every X-Fan, so being able to bring Sauron to the big screen would be a delight. Watching him drain energy and powers from the X-Men (a la Rogue), and use his super- well, everything powers would keep audiences upright in their seats until the last post-credit scene rolls.

2. Mojo

Image Source: WhatCulture

If they made an entire movie solely based on the Mojoverse, I highly doubt anyone would complain. Being able to see the mustard-yellow blob wreak havoc by turning the X-men into the X-Babies or even gender-swapping them would be FANTASTIC to see. The Mojoverse is absolute chaos, and we’re here for it. 

1. Mister Sinister

Image Source: Forge Fiction

Where do I even start? A fan favorite since he was introduced, Nathaniel Essex is the brilliantly (albeit cruel) geneticist and evolutionist who became obsessed with engineering humanity into a race of superhumans. Around the same time, he was discovering the X-Gene, he encountered Apocalypse. As new allies, Apocalypse used celestial technology to turn Nathaniel into an ageless man, who took on the new name, Mister Sinister. Sinister also created N2, which is a clone of Namor, and with Namor's introduction into the MCU, perhaps there’s also a way to introduce Dr. Essex.

Hopefully, we’ll see a few of these hit the big screen in the near future, and we’ll finally get an X-Men movie that’s on par with the rest of the MCU. Until then, I’ll keep watching X-Men the Animated Series to fill the hole in my villain-loving heart.



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