New Trailer For ‘Starfield’ Released, Showcasing, New Game Footage At Bethesda Game Showcase

Starfield release date poster

Today during Bethesda's portion of the Xbox Games Showcase, fans were treated to a new trailer for Bethesda's upcoming Sci-Fi RPG Starfield. The game looks incredible, and we can't wait to get a copy of it. The most exciting thing from the trailer was, of course, actual gameplay. While the game seems closer than ever, despite Bethesda delaying it until 2023, this newest trailer has fans going wild all over the internet.

The presentation opened with a quote, "The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it." After a brief series of images, Todd Howard appeared on the screen. Showing us the first clip of the presentation. He explains it is from early in the game on the moon Kreet, the camera pans up to a barren moon with a ship on the horizon. Watching the ship land in this game looks breathtaking. then we see the player HUD around a Mech suit, the assumption would be, that it is used for inhospitable environments or scouting. At last, we see a 3rd person perspective of the player character, as he walks up to a deposit of iron on the moon's surface and mines it with a laser.


The next thing Bethesda shows in the trailer is combat. Having the player run in and open fire on hostiles who have taken a research lab of some sort. The combat looks very fluid throughout the scenario, culminating in the character finally fighting his way to the roof a pirate drop ship lands on a cliff close enough to jump to. When the character leaps the drop ship, Todd Howard came back out. He explained the next clip is of the capital city of planet Jameson, Atlantis City. A much lusher planet than Kreet, Jameson's capital city is very retro-futuristic, calling back to the artists of the images in the 1950s made of their ideas of the future.

After that, there is mention of an artifact and a series of quick scenes hinting at its purpose and some locations you will travel in. The scenes also depict just how beautiful Creation Engine 2 is. Todd Howard then walked us through a brand new character creator. It's been rebuilt from the ground up to be far more impressive than any previous Bethesda Title. This makes sense as Starfield is a very ambitious project. Howard also highlighted some of the RPG elements proving the game will continue to have the depth that fans love about Bethesda's games. Base building is also returning to Bethesda games, but this does appear to be the most promising iteration yet. But perhaps the most unique and exciting feature across  Starifield's trailers released today was ship creation and customization. Fans of games like Elite Dangerous or No Man's Sky will be full of envy at a completely customizable spaceship. After the in-depth system was shown, Howard gave us our first look at space combat as well. It was a shorter clip, an enemy ship engaging and losing against the ship they created to show off.

Todd Howard finished the presentation off with thanks to fans for their patience. He went on to talk about how vast the game was and once again brought us to a clip showcasing just how large the space is. The clip showed us, at first a planet. Then they pulled the map away from the planet to a star system in Starfield. Then he had them pull the map back again to show a whole galaxy of them. Starfield is a massive project and it looks like fans who have been patiently waiting for the next genre-defining sci-fi RPG might have found it. Sadly at the moment the only release date that was given is 2023. But all of us will be waiting as it is available on day one with Xbox Game Pass.



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