hyperspace lines through the falcon's cockpit

The Star Wars canon takes us to some of the most imaginative worlds in media. Worlds range from icy to lava-filled, forested to barren and stormy. So many brilliant minds have had their hands on the universe creatively; consequently, the planets are incredibly diverse and vibrant.

Today, we will take a short trip across some of the most awe-inspiring worlds the Star Wars universe offers. So whether you were a child in a line wrapping around a theater to see films from the original trilogy, someone (like me) who had an Anakin Skywalker podracing cup from a fast-food restaurant, or someone entirely new for the franchise, we hope something from this list connects with you! These are our top five planets in the Star Wars universe!



Red Dathomir rocky landscape with and mist

Starting off the list is Dathomir! We see this planet in many Star Wars media but most prominently in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. If someone were to ask a stranger to describe a world where they could imagine Darth Maul coming from, it could only be Dathomir. The planet looks twisted. Also, the home of the Nightsisters, the planet appears to have oceans of blood when viewed from neighboring space (a result of light from a nearby star). On the ground level, one is met with a fascinating ecosystem of swamplands, trees, and rocky cliffs. Plant life seems to weave through itself, and the hue from the star above makes everything seem a bit more eerie and strange. Nevertheless, it is a spectacular vision.


Vulptex outside the Resistance base on Crait

The next planet on our journey across the stars is Crait! We only get to see this planet at the tail-end of The Last Jedi; however, it made a lasting impact on me. Its salt-flats giving way to brilliant shades of white and red. Its fauna is some of the most unique in all of Star Wars! The vulptex is a crystalline fox that leads the Resistance away from the First Order to safety. I wish we could have seen more of this planet in the films. However, it inspired wonder in me. A planet whose idea is centralized around minerals and what kind of fauna exists in that environment could have so many other incredible ideas waiting to be born with more creators and opportunities.


A cruiser leaving Theed City on Naboo

Up next on our trip across the universe is Naboo! This planet is absolutely gorgeous! Inspired and partially filmed in Italy, Naboo serves as the landscape for many of Star Wars’ iconic moments. Its incredible architecture gives way to winding forests and swamps with vines wrapping around trees, giving way to incredibly creative underwater cities. Naboo is so many things, which is one reason many people love it. If you ever wanted to explore the wide variety of locations on the planet of Naboo, it’s possible in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga!


Exterior of Canto Bite casino on Cantonica

Our next planet in Cantonica! We only see its casino city, Canto Bight, in the films but beyond the beautiful cityscape is a desert planet. The planet’s story was not dissimilar to how we think of Tatooine. It is a dessert that seems to foster havens for criminals, smugglers, and individuals hiding out. However, what makes Cantonica interesting is what happened next. Corporate entities in the sector where Cantonica is located (The Corporate Sector) are allowed to dictate their territories how they see fit. This gave birth to Canto Bight, a sprawling casino city with innumerable financial potential and the notably artificial Sea of Cantonica. It is fun to imagine what future media could do with this world and its people. 


Before we get to the last planet, we have two honorable mentions. Tatooine is a planet that encapsulates a lot of what we understand Star Wars to be. It is seemingly desolate and inconsequential, but that is wholly inaccurate. Thanks to The Book of Boba Fett, we understand it was once covered in oceans, and the Tusken Raider groups are the surviving peoples of that era. 

The home planet of Anakin and Luke Skywalker serves as the landscape of so many of the franchise’s most incredible moments. However, it is fair to say that the fandom has a bit of Tatooine fatigue. However, after its appearance in numerous projects, recently The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi, I think the fans of this universe are excited and open to engaging with some new planets in the universe.

The next honorable mention is a planet that will not be familiar by name to those who have only experienced the films but are familiar with it regardless. Ilum is a planet of much consequence to the Star Wars universe. In the television series The Clone Wars, we see it as the site of an important Jedi ceremony where Padawans come about their lightsaber crystals after accomplishing important force-related tasks. It is also featured in the videogame Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The Empire would later mine the planet for its precious resources, degrading the once sacred Jedi site. Finally, we see the icy planet as Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens.


Coruscant from orbit with city lights shining

The final stop on our journey across the stars is Coruscant! The whole planet is a city seemingly teeming with life. Dex’s Diner, the Jedi Temple, the Galactic Senate Building, and the Galaxies Opera House make this planet much like ours. One of the most exciting things about this planet is how its stratification is literally illustrated in the city’s structure. The more crime-ridden parts of the city are shown to occur at lower levels. This is shown in The Clone Wars and LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, as well as other additional media. The diverse cityscape (including a Sith Temple underneath the Jedi Temple) gives way to numerous stories to be told. 

Thank you for coming on this journey across some of Star Wars’ most incredible planets! Do you think we missed any that would have been on your “Top 5” list? I hope you had fun, and may the Force be with you! 



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