George R. R. Martin Loved Viserys In 'House Of The Dragon' More Than His Own Version

Viserys Targaryen at Queen Emma's funeral

Image Source: HBO

Very rarely do we hear that the adaptation did it better than the source material. It is not impossible, but it does seem rare. It seems that HBO’s House of the Dragon has actually done a better job at portraying a specific character within the original book written by fantasy icon George R. R. Martin. All the credit to the actor Paddy Considine, who recently told GQ that Martin reached out to him personally to praise his acting in the role of Viserys Targaryen:

“I got a text message that simply said, ‘Your Viserys is better than my Viserys.’ It was from George R. R. Martin. And I thought: that’ll do it. Thanks for trusting me.”

Coming from the author himself, the man who created the character in its entirety believes that Considine has done a better job at being Viserys Targaryen than Martin had envisioned when he wrote his book. In the same interview, Considine speaks on his own version of Viserys and how he believed in it, and he was right in doing so.


Fans of the show have also expressed their appreciation for the performance given by Paddy Considine. Many took to Twitter after the episode stating just how great Paddy has been throughout the eight episodes as Viserys. Early as it may be, there is a lot of buzz surrounding Considine’s potential Emmy campaign, and he is deserving of that honor for such an outstanding performance.

Martin has also spoken on the longevity of the Game of Thrones prequel. According to Martin, House of the Dragon would need four seasons with 10 episodes. That would bring the total to 40 episodes to tell the entire Dance of the Dragons storyline.



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