‘Sonic The Hedgehog 3’ Release Date Updated By Paramount

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie poster

The upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie has locked in its release date. The sequel to the massively successful Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is set to be released on December 20th, 2024 as announced by the movie’s official Twitter account.

In addition, the Smurfs animated musical is being pushed back to February 14, 2025, as its previous spot is now claimed by the blue blur.

The last Sonic film grossed over $400 million worldwide, making it among the largest grossing video game films to date. Plans for the third installment were announced in February of this year. While some lamented the fact that it is not being released in February to coincide with the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on Genesis/MegaDrive back in February 1994. On the other hand, some eagle-eyed fans have noticed that the December date lines up with the release date for the GameCube port of the Dreamcast title Sonic Adventure 2, entitled Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, which came out on December 20, 2001.


The film will mark the debut of fan-favorite Shadow the Hedgehog, who made his video game debut in Sonic Adventure 2. There is much speculation as to the plot of the film. Many think that it might be darker than the previous two due to Shadow himself being a more serious character. Regardless, there is much anticipation and excitement for the upcoming film, which will speed into theaters on December 20th, 2024.


Source(s): Deadline, Twitter [1], [2], Polygon

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