‘Scream VI’ Spoiler Review

Image Source: IMDB

Warning: This review contains spoilers for Scream, Scream II, Scream III, Scream (2022), and Scream VI!

Scream VI was released on March 10 and is the newest installment of the hugely popular Scream franchise. After the less-than-enthusiastic reception of last year’s Scream, the new film aims to bring back the horror and promises to feature a Ghostface, unlike anything fans had ever seen. In the trailer, the villain even tells legacy character Gale Weathers “there’s never been one like me…”. Fans were also promised the goriest and most brutal film in the franchise, and I can say they delivered on this promise. 

Scream (2022) which was the fifth film in the franchise missed the mark at almost every opportunity. The film followed the original film too closely going as far as to copy its marketing campaign which had infuriated fans back in the 90s. Wes Craven chose to highlight Drew Barrymore as the star of the film even though she is killed roughly twenty minutes in. This time the decision was made to portray Jenna Ortega as the star even though she is merely a side character. The film follows the same formula as the original film down to one of the killers being the love interest and the final showdown happening in the same house.


Image Source: IMDB

Unlike its predecessor, Scream VI breathed new life into the Scream franchise and set the bar for all other horror films coming out this year. Following the formula of Scream II, the film takes place in a different state where the survivors of the first film have moved to attend college. The focus of the Scream films has always been to explain the rules of horror movies and then play around with them. To breathe new life into this idea, the focus is on what they call a requel which is what the Star Wars sequels and three new Halloween films would be considered. The rules are different, and no one is safe. 

The actors and their characters have shown exponential growth since the last film, and it reminds me of the original film’s cast. We also finally get a look at who these characters are meant to represent in these new films. Mindy is the new Randy, Sam the new Sydney, Tara the new Gale, and Chad the new Dewey. Going into Scream VII with a full cast of characters adds excitement that was missing going from Scream II into Scream III

Image Source: IMDB

The kill count has never been higher, and the kills are far more gruesome. Yes, they even top Drew Barrymore’s death at the beginning of Scream. The fight scenes in this film were better than any other fights I have seen in a horror film. It felt like watching a choreographed dance, especially in the final battle. The best thing about the new film though is the killer reveals. In the rest of the Scream films, the reveal(s) leading into act 3 are the most highly anticipated moments of the films.

Typically there are two killers except for Scream III where there was just one, so waiting to see which direction Scream VI would go was one of the most talked about topics leading up to the premiere. It originally seems like the plot twist is that Kirby has lost her mind and is the killer, but it is quickly revealed that there are three killers and they are a family! It’s revealed that Richie’s family worked their way into the sisters’ lives and had been planning to kill Tara to hurt Sam for killing him. The best moment of the film though is the subway attack that happens just before act 3 begins. It is the most terrifying and claustrophobic moment I’ve seen in a horror film in years. 

Scream 1-5 are available to stream on Paramount+, and Scream VI is in theaters now! 

Rating: 10/10



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