One Of The Last Luke Skywalker Legends Stories Accidently Became Canon

Image Source: CultureSlate

One topic many Star Wars fans will often be passionate about is legends vs canon. Although many things have happened in both, many fans will passionately support one side or the other, making their preference known to anyone brave or foolish enough to enter the wretched hive of scum and villainy known as an internet comments section. 

One instance of a grey area between the two continuities is the book Heir to the Jedi written by Kevin Hearne. The book was originally meant to be part of the Legend's continuity, known then as the expanded universe. However, when Disney purchased Lucasfilm, the book was moved into the current canon, creating an interesting shift in Luke Skywalker’s character. 

The book takes place very shortly after A New Hope and focuses on Luke’s attempt to grow more powerful with the force. However, soon after losing his original mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi, he is struggling with the loss. As the book takes place well before he meets Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke is without a mentor at this point in time, and it shows how slowly he developed his force powers at this time.

Two other books written earlier in the series, Razor's Edge and Honor Among Thieves are now part of the Legends timeline. Two books after it, Lords of The Sith, and Dark Disciple, are part of canon.



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