Looking At Major ‘Stars Wars’ Events Through The Lens Of The New Content

Bo-Katan and Ahsoka

Image Source: IMDb

One of the best things about all of the new Star Wars content is how it changes the way we look at old Star Wars content. Conversations and battles become more impactful, and characters change completely thanks to the context provided in the new content. For this article, older content refers to the original six movies, and new content is everything that has come out since then. Let’s take a look at five of the things that have changed in the old content thanks to the new content. Warning!! Contains spoilers for Star Wars: Episodes 1-6, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and Obi-Wan Kenobi!!

5. Mace Is A Villain

Mace Windu

Image Source: IMDb

Most people would agree that Mace Windu is at the very least an antagonist after seeing the prequel films, but his role as a villain becomes more apparent in The Clone Wars. We watch as he consistently puts Anakin down and even leads conversations in a negative direction for no reason other than the fact that he doesn’t like Anakin. We also see him as one of the main people on the Jedi Council who insists that Ahsoka be kicked out of the Order after she is framed for murder. There are plenty of other examples that show that Mace plays more of a villain than any other role, at least where Anakin and Ahsoka are concerned. 


4. Palpatine Is More Hands On

Emperor Palpatine

Image Source: IMDb

In the original six films, Palpatine seems like more of a puppetmaster. He was clearly the mastermind behind the destruction of the Republic and the Jedi Order, but he always seemed to stay at arm’s length and instead have other people do his dirty work. We see this ideal completely destroyed in the new content. In The Clone Wars, we watch Palpatine travel to multiple planets alone to either meet with people or battle them. One specific example is when he travels to Mandalore and battles Darth Maul and Savage Opress to remind them of his strength and ensure Maul will do what he says. We also see him trying to manipulate Ezra Bridger in Rebels. This context makes Palpatine so much more intimidating, in my opinion. 

3. Obi-Wan Is A Hypocrite

Satine and Obi-Wan

Image Source: IMDb

I want to start this out by saying that Obi-Wan is one of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars. In the original trilogy, he is seen as a guiding light for Luke, and in the prequel franchise, he is the golden boy who is typically the person trying to keep Qui-Gon and then Anakin in line with the Jedi Order. This is something that we see continued in The Clone Wars, however, things are much clearer in the series. Although Obi-Wan is still seen by the Council as someone who follows the rules we learn that is not the case. Not only does Obi-Wan routinely break the rules or go against the council when he feels that his mission requires it, but we also learn that he is in love with Duchess Satine of Mandalore. Although they are not together, it is clear that they are attached to each other. This is frustrating because he is always getting onto Anakin because he goes against the Council’s wishes and because of his attachments to his mom and Padme. This context makes his comments admitting failure during his final battle with Anakin in Episode III more impactful. 

2. Why Anakin Really Turned To The Dark Side

Anakin and Ahsoka

Image Source: IMDb

In the prequel series, we are led to believe that Anakin turned to the dark side solely because he wanted to save Padme, and Palpatine convinced him that he could show him how to save her. The Clone Wars made it clear that losing Padme was simply the final straw for Anakin and not the sole reason. In the series, we watch as Anakin is belittled by the Council repeatedly, is made to feel like Obi-Wan doesn’t believe he is strong or capable of being a Jedi Master, loses Ahsoka due to the actions of the Jedi Council, and finally, he believes that he is going to lose Padme. In all of this, the only person that always seems to have his back is Palpatine who reminds him of how capable he is and sends him on difficult missions that the Council tries to say he is not capable of completing. The new content adds complexity to Anakin’s character which was not present in the old content. 

1. The Size Of The Rebellion

The Star Wars Rebels crew

Image Source: IMDb

The biggest takeaway from the new content is the sheer size of the Rebellion. In the original trilogy, it seems like there is only a fairly small cell of people working for the Rebellion, but Obi-Wan Kenobi and especially Star Wars Rebels proved that this is wrong and that the Rebellion stretches across most of the galaxy. In Obi-Wan, we got to see a tunnel system that had tons of drawings signifying each Jedi or force user that had escaped through those tunnels and the rebels that helped them. Star Wars Rebels is really where we see the true size of the Rebellion and the fact that Leia and Luke weren’t really the important leaders they are made out to be in the original films. Hera and the Ghost Crew, as well as Ahsoka Tano, are far more impactful than our OG characters ever were. 

All of the movies and shows mentioned in this article are available to stream on Disney+.



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